Once you are ready to upload your invoice, you can navigate to the work order by searching for the work order number in the search bar located under the work orders screen. Or by scrolling down to “Completed work orders not invoiced” on your dashboard.
*Please note – you will never want to upload your invoice as a file attachment on the work order. The attachments box is great for other files or pictures related to the work you would like to share with the customer, but it is not where you should upload your invoice.
Invoices tab. There are 2 options under the invoices tab CREATE INVOICE or UPLOAD INVOICE PDF. If you have a PDF that you have already created - perfect! You will never select CREATE INVOICE. Always select UPLOAD INVOICE PDF.
Total: Type in your total invoice amount including tax Invoice #: Type in your invoice number Work Order #: The work order number auto populates – nothing else to do here. What are you billing for: Briefly describe what you are billing for if it is described in detail on your PDF. Select CREATE INVOICE.
Uploading an invoice (cont.): The next screen will be where you select the appropriate PDF from your computer files. Click on CLICK TO UPLOAD INVOICE FILE. Once selected, your PDF will attach. After attached, click on GO TO INVOICE. Make sure that everything looks correct and select PUBLISH INVOICE.
*Occasionally, an invoice may move into a “draft” status and is not able to be published. You may need to check in and out of the work order and indicate it is complete. If the customer has not approved the work, you can go to the NOTES tab and ask the customer to approve the work. After 7 days, whether the customer has approved the work or not, the status will change to “reviewed and completed” and you will be able to publish your invoice.